Embrace the freedom of working from home

My website aims to empower individuals by teaching them the skills and knowledge needed to provide online marketing services for clients.

A little Bit About Me

Hey there! 

My name is Yoana Brecker, and I’m the founder of this website where I teach people how to offer online marketing services to clients so they can work from home and make a living. I’ve been working remotely and flexibly since 2006, and I’m passionate about empowering others to do the same.

Before launching this website, I worked as a virtual assistant, taught myself WordPress, HTML, CSS, and how most recently, how to build sites in Elementor. Over time, I’ve expanded my skills to SEO, paid ads, email marketing, and project management. Today, I work for an online marketing and design firm, and I’m continually growing and developing my skills.

I’m also a mom of two, a wife, and a Christian. I love spending time with my family and having the flexibility to work from home and set my own schedule. Homeschooling my children and chaperoning their field trips was an unforgettable experience that I cherish.

My Mission Statement

I created this website to help people like you, achieve your dreams of working from home. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income, work full-time, or launch your own business, I’ve got you covered. I’ve packed all the resources, tips, and tricks I’ve found along the way into a comprehensive action plan that shows you how to acquire marketable skills, land your first client, and grow your business.

My mission is to help people like you confidently work from home while making a living. I know the hurdles and challenges you face, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help! If you have any questions or concerns that haven’t been answered, please feel free to contact me directly. I also encourage you to check out my Start Here page and past blog posts for more actionable tips and insights.

Thank you for visiting my website! I look forward to hearing from you and supporting your journey towards online marketing success!

Step out of your comfort zone, embrace the challenges, and discover the boundless opportunities awaiting you!

How Can I Help You With Your Next Adventure?

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Explore the latest tips and strategies for your online marketing business

Defining Your Business Niche

When I started my business, I had a grand vision of targeting everyone. After all, everyone needs some help when it comes to growing their